Attend a DOVE Training!
To raise awareness and prevent domestic violence, DOVE, Inc. offers trainings, workshops and seminars to law enforcement, health care professionals, schools, businesses, social service providers, religious organizations and the community. Training topics include, but are not limited to:
Workshops related to Schools/Children/Parenting
Presented in partnership with DOVE’s Children’s Clinician &
LGBTQIA+ Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator
Child Witnesses to Violence
Parenting in the Context of Domestic Violence
Talking to Children about Domestic Violence
Dating Violence in College/University Communities
Teen Dating Violence
Queerly Beloved: An Introduction to Relationship Skills
Workshops for Community Members
​Presented in partnership with DOVE’s LGBTQIA+ Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator and Chinese Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator
How to Support Family Members and Friends experiencing Abuse*
Healthy and Abusive Relationships 101 *
Queerly Beloved: An Introduction to Relationship Skills
Domestic Violence in the Asian Communities*
Workshops for
Service Providers
​Presented in partnership with DOVE’s LGBTQIA+ Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator, Legal Team and Chinese Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator
Working with Survivors
Partner Violence In LGBTQIA+ Communities
Supporting Survivors in the Asian Community*
Domestic Violence and the Legal System
Introduction to Gender and Sexuality & Continuing Education on LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity
Developing a Collaborative Response to Domestic Violence with the Police
Domestic Violence in the Workplace: How to Make the Workplace Safe and Support Employees