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Host an Event

A fundraising drive or event is a great way to bring together a group of people to support DOVE!

Lunch & Learn

Host a Lunch & Learn or other activity in your workplace or social setting!

Participants come together for a three-hour event where they can eat lunch, have a DOVE staff person come speak about DOVE’s programs & put together personal care bags for survivors.

Host a Friendraiser

Host a get-together in your home or at a local restaurant and ask attendees to make a donation to DOVE. A DOVE staff will be available to present and answer questions about domestic violence and the work of the organization.

Check out our

Volunteer Opportunities

DOVE offers many opportunities for group and individual volunteering projects. Join us today!

Host a Book Club

Host a book club or movie discussion centered around domestic violence and DOVE's advocacy in your home, workplace, or other social setting.

Workplace Drive

Encourage employees or colleagues to collect items on our Essential Items List. DOVE works with workplaces to coordinate drives, including donation pick-ups.

Host a Jeans/Hat/Etc. Day at Your Office

​Volunteer sets up a way for employees make a donation if they choose to ‘dress down’ and wear jeans/hat/etc. These contributions are donated to DOVE and DOVE provides material for an informational table the day of the event. 

Donate Cell Phone or Device

DOVE collects used cell phones to be recycled, with proceeds going directly to DOVE’s client services programs.

Attend a DOVE DV Training

To raise awareness and prevent domestic violence, DOVE offers trainings, workshops and seminars to law enforcement, health care professionals, schools, businesses, social service providers, religious organizations and the community. 

Matching Gifts

Many employers match donations. You can easily search for your organization and fill out the necessary form to get your match.

Commemorative or Tribute Gift

Remember a loved one or celebrate a special event such as a graduation or a birthday, by making a special gift to DOVE, Inc. in their name.

In return, DOVE will send a letter or certificate recognizing your honoree and your kindness. Our certificates also serve as thoughtful wedding or shower favors!

Have other ideas for how to get involved at DOVE? 


You can always reach out to us at!

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